Life's a Game: Play to Win or Don't Play at All

“Life is a game. And then there are games within the game. How are you playing?” - Jocko Willink

You've heard it a million times: "Life's a game." But let's cut the crap and get real for a second. When Jocko Willink, a man who's seen the rawest sides of life, spins this line, you better believe it's not some fluffy, feel-good mantra. It's a wake-up call, especially for us, the underrepresented, the minority and women business owners. We're not just playing the game; we're redefining it.

Understanding the Game

First things first: Recognize you're in a game. Sounds simple, right? But how many of us go through life, our businesses, our relationships, blinded by pride or ignorance, unaware of the rules of the game we're in? Admit it, we've all been there. But here's the hard truth: If you don't know the game you're playing, you're setting yourself up for a loss.

Take my own journey, for example. I knew the ins and outs of my field, played it like a pro. But throw me into a different arena – say, chess or accounting – and I'm as lost as a vegan in a butcher shop. The point is, understanding your game, whether it's your business, your health, or your personal relationships, is crucial. And no, understanding doesn't mean dominating or manipulating. It means aligning your strategies and actions with the ultimate goal – winning, in the healthiest, most badass way possible.

Let's not forget the little games we play every day. Parenting, anyone? It's a relentless, messy, yet rewarding game where the stakes are high – shaping future world-changers. And yes, even getting your kids to eat their greens is part of this complex, beautiful game called life.

369: YOUR LIFE IS A GAME. Will You Win? Or Will You Lose?

Dive deep into this concept with Jocko's Podcast Episode 369. It's an eye-opener, a soul-shaker. Listening to it, you'll start seeing the patterns, the rules, the wins and losses in your own life. Check it out on Spotify and let it stir something in you.

Play the Game to Win or Don't Play at All

Now, here's where things get juicy. Knowing the game is just the start. The real question is, are you going to play to win, or are you going to sit on the sidelines? Winning isn't just about brute force or blind ambition. It's about strategy, knowledge, and, most importantly, the will to push through.

In your relationships, dig deeper. Understand the dynamics, the unspoken rules, and play it with integrity and a clear goal. In business, it's time to step up your game. More social posts, cold calls, or being shamelessly loud about your brand? Hell yes, do it! That's what I did, and look where it's gotten me. Stagnation is not an option when you're playing to win.

New health or fitness goals? Damn right, that's a game too. Are you going to level up and be the GOAT, or are you just going to watch from the sidelines? It's your call.

370: THE GAME Is Going On All Around You

In Episode 370, Jocko continues to unravel this concept. It's not just about recognizing the game; it's about actively engaging in it. This episode is another must-listen on Spotify. Trust me, it's a game-changer.

The Takeaway

Everything – and I mean everything – is a game. Your business, your personal life, your growth. The sooner you realize this, the sooner you can start strategizing, playing, and winning. And as a minority or woman business owner, the game might be tougher, the rules might be skewed, but guess what? We're not just players; we're rewriting the rulebook.

So, what's it going to be? Are you ready to play the game of life like the champion you are? Remember, in this game, there's no room for half-assed efforts. You're either in it to win it or you're not in it at all.


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